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5 Akun Pocket48 Aktif Kembali, Zeng Yanfen Dikabarkan Menghadap Petinggi Star48

Penggemar SNH48 GROUP dibentuk kaget dengan aktifnya kembali akun Pocket48 milik Zeng Yanfen (28/01/2019).  Gadis yang kerap disapa Ruri ini telah meninggalkan SNH48 pada simpulan 2017 lalu. Beberapa penggemar menerka bahwa itu yaitu ulah dari staff yang hendak menghapus akun tersebut.

Pada dikala yang sama, salah satu pengguna Weibo mengabarkan bahwa Yanfen telah menghadap petinggi STAR48 ditemani Li Yitong dan Huang Tingting. Belum diketahui maksud dari Zeng Yanfen ini apakah ingin kembali atau benar-benar lulus dari grup. Apakah mitos comeback sesudah pergi usang akan terjadi pada SNH48?

Zeng Yanfen is Rumored Comeback to SNH48!

SNH48 GROUP fans were surprised by the return of Zeng Yanfen's Pocket48 account (01/28/2019). This girl who is often called Ruri has left SNH48 at the end of 2017. Some fans suspected that it was the work of the staff who wanted to delete the account.

At the same time, one of the Weibo users reported that Yanfen had been facing STAR48 officials accompanied by Li Yitong and Huang Tingting. Zeng Yanfen's intention is not yet known whether he wants to return or actually graduate from the group. What is the myth of a comeback after going for long time ago will happen to SNH48?


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